St Peter's C of E Primary School
'Sowing the seeds of tomorrow.'
Matthew 13: 1-23
Boys' uniform
Black shorts or trousers
Long or short sleeved white shirt
Green & silver striped St. Peter's tie
Green & silver V-neck knitted jumper with the school crest
Black socks
Black shoes
Girls' uniform
Black skirt or pinafore dress
Long or short sleeved white shirt
Green & silver striped St. Peter's tie
Green & silver V-neck knitted cardigan or jumper with the school crest
White or black socks
Black school shoes (not boots)
Summer term only - green gingham dress
Physical Education (P.E.) Kit for boys and girls
Black shorts
White Polo shirt with or without the school crest
Black pumps
All P.E. kit must be clearly labelled.
Many PE lessons will be delivered outside. Therefore children must also have an outdoor PE kit comprising of black or bottle green joggers and a sweatshirt. These should be plain with no logo.
Year 5 and Year 6 pupils attend Darwen Leisure Centre for swimming lessons once a week. Medical Certificates must be obtained before a child can be excused.
Health and Safety Regulations prohibit the wearing of jewellery of any kind during any P.E. or swimming lessons, including earrings with tape over.
All earrings must be removed for P.E. If your child cannot remove their own earrings then please ensure that they come to school the day of their P.E. lesson not wearing their earrings.
Please clearly label all uniform with your child’s name
Waterloo Pavilions
20 - 26 Church Street
01254 676047
Snazzy’s School and Footwear
22 Bridge Street,
01254 708245
All items featuring the school crest are currently available from Whittakers Schoolwear in Blackburn and Snazzy's School & Footwear in Darwen.
Both elasticated and non-elasticated ties can be purchased from the school office, stock depending.
School will also provide several opportunities throughout the year for parents to purchase pre-owned, second hand uniform at a very reasonable cost.
Jewellery and hair styles
Jewellery should not be worn at school. We encourage the piercing of ears to be done at the beginning of the summer holiday so that it is not necessary to continue wearing earrings when school recommences in September.
If earrings must be worn during school hours, only one pair of studs is allowed.
Hair styles need to be sensible and smart for school. All hair accessories must be black or green and long hair tied up.