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S Burgess - Headteacher.bmp
Welcome to St Peter’s Church of England Primary School.


We are a thriving school in the centre of Darwen, serving the parish of St Peter’s Church.


The school is set in extensive grounds, providing the children with rich outdoor learning opportunities and fantastic views of the town and neighbouring countryside. Our forest school uses all outside areas to allow children to explore their surroundings and gain valuable independence, social and thinking skills.

We have a team of dedicated teachers and support staff who provide our pupils with a broad and rich curriculum built around the needs and interests of the children. Every child is encouraged, engaged and challenged to reach their potential whilst building the resilience and independence to approach the next stage in their education with confidence and enthusiasm.


Our Christian values: Love, Respect, Trust, Truthfulness and Forgiveness provide the valuable foundations they will need in the journey through life. There is an emphasis on nurture and developing healthy mindsets at St Peter’s to help all our children grow and flourish, using the gifts that God has given them.

Please have a look through our website to discover the wonderful things that we do at St Peter’s. If you would like to visit the school to see us in action, please contact the school office on 01254 701299.


Susannah Burgess 


Sowing the seeds of tomorrow

Matthew 13:1-23






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